"During the meeting, President Sarkozy himself twice admitted that his own people would vote no to the Lisbon Treaty, as they have already rejected a very similar text in the guise of the failed EU Constitution. For President Sarkozy to come here and assemble a meeting of the successful no side and defeated yes side to discuss the treaty seems to suggest the people voted yes, this is a complete disregard for democracy. Last month the people of Ireland voted no, and their vote must be respected.
President Sarkozy listened to what everyone had to say - however whilst he says he respects the Irish vote - further assurances are needed that this is the case.
During the discussion, President Sarkozy acknowledged that the European elections may become the focus of a debate about the future of Europe and the Lisbon Treaty. The people of all the other 26 European member states are entitled to their say on this text.
President Sarkozy did respond to my comments by saying he had an idea and he then went on to say that he would like to come back to Ireland for a longer visit, or meet with some of the parties in Paris, I don't know whether or not this will be followed up.
If Europe is to have a new treaty/Constitution, it should be short and understandable, the aim should be 20 or 25 pages, it should be upfront and honest about what it seeks to achieve and that all Europe's citizens must all get a vote on it.
We need a strong, respected and credible Europe and the only way to achieve that is by ensuring that if we confer more power on Brussels, those exercising that power need to be accountable at a ballot box and present themselves before the electorate to seek a mandate, just as he did when he was elected President of France.
The most worrying thing about this meeting is the fact that clearly the message is not being heard, perhaps not even being heard at all, and that's what makes the meeting somewhat pointless. We have said no. Libertas is still unsure if that democratic vote will be respected by the elites in Brussels, or Paris.
The future of Europe needs to be based on the principles of democracy for all its citizens, and in the only referendum on this treaty, the people asked said no. Brussels needs to take account of this, listen to the people of Ireland and all of Europe, and ensure that what happens next fully respects the principles of democracy that we Irish fought so hard for.
I look forward to a future exchange with President Sarkozy on this issue.